Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus
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ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGY I & II Syllabus :  1st and 2nd  Semester 2007 - 08

BIO-141, BIO-142


Instructor – Mrs. Karen Webb Smith

Location – A. Linwood Holton Governor’s School at the Southwest Higher Education Center, second floor

Phone: – 276-619-4351          Email:

Textbook – Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology, by Shier, Butler, and Lewis,

            McGraw-Hill, 2007

CD’s – Bring the following to class everyday:

Human Atlas CD, MediaPhys CD, and the 4 volumes of Anatomy & Physiology Revealed that will be used in laboratory activities.


Course Delivery:

This course will be taught via the Internet using interactive audio and streaming video. Tests will be administered on-line using Pageout, and assignments will be collected via email. Each class lecture is archived and posted on the Anatomy webpage.

Assignment Schedule:

Consult Pageout announcements and/or daily for information concerning tests, labs, projects, and homework assignment schedules.

Lab Policy:

Labs will be conducted virtually. Each will conclude with a lab report. Labs can be performed with a partner. Lab Reports MUST NOT be identical to anyone else’s. Lab Reports must be written according to the formatting instructions that will be discussed in class. Reports emailed after the due date will have 10 points deducted each day until the 3rd day when a grade of 0 will be recorded.  

Class Policies:

Your instructor expects that each student will abide by the rules agreed upon. The instructor reserves the right to use class attendance and participation to decide borderline grades. It is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor of an absence in advance, or as soon as possible, to make up work that is missed.  The textbook and CD’s issued to each student are owned by the Governor’s School. It is the student’s responsibility to care for them appropriately.

Laboratory assignments and exams will be incorporated with the appropriate unit of study. Individual chapter tests will be given at the end of study. Lab reports must be emailed by the date given in class. The use of “wikipedia” as a research source will not be accepted.

Grading System: The university grading scale will be used:

90-100 =A; 80-89 = B; 70-79 = C; 60-69 = D; 59 or below = F

Course Objectives:

This course is designed to provide an understanding of the relation between structure and function of the human body in its normal homeostatic state. Information presented will serve as a framework for understanding human behavior in health and disease.

Proposed Lecture Schedule:


Levels of Organization: 1-5

Support and Movement: 6-9

Integration and Coordination: 10-13

Transport: 14-16

Absorption and Excretion: 17-21

The Human Life Cycle: 22-24

REVIEW: Textbook Study and Laboratory Supplementary Materials:

1. A & P Class Materials - Power point presentations for all chapters in the textbook, review exercises for each chapter, and laboratory assignments are posted on the Anatomy page of the Governor’s School webpage.

2. Human Atlas CD-Rom - Clinical examples, 3D models, and animations of human diseases and disorders.

3. A & P – Revealed - Volumes 1, 2,3, & 4 - An Interactive Cadaver Dissection Experience of the Integumentary, Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive, and Endocrine  Systems.

4. MediaPhys 3.0 – A comprehensive and interactive visualization of the physiological processes and their relationships in the human body.

5. Cat Dissection – A virtual dissection of the feline will be investigated for the laboratory requirement of this course. This is a webpage addy your instructor will provide at the appropriate time.

Words from your Instructor:

I welcome you to Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II, a college level course. It is my opinion that all students benefit from an in-depth knowledge of the internal and external body systems regardless whether they are planning to enter the medical field. This course is intense, and will require disciplined study, review, and participation in class. Lectures should be reviewed daily. Class and laboratory assignments must be turned in on the required date. It is in your best interest to read ahead of the lecture schedule in your textbook. You will be given 7 CD’s. They will help reinforce class material and are important for the laboratory component of this course. Please take care of them as well as your textbook. 

This course will prove very valuable to you in the future if you take it seriously and are conscientious. I look forward to our Virtual experiences online, and I know we will have many great accomplishments together.

Mrs. Karen Webb Smith

Suggestions for Student Success

-Stay current in your studies. DO NOT GET BEHIND!

-Arrive on time to class.

-Review archived lecture, power point slides, & notes from the previous class before returning to the next day’s class. --MEMORIZE when it is necessary.

-Make a concerted effort to understand the material as it is being presented. Do not just use the time to takes notes with the intent on figuring it out later.

-Do not wait to study until just before the exam. You should treat this course like a math or language course, which would require that you study the material as it is presented, not just prior to the exam.

-Recognize that college study is hard work and that it requires a high degree of motivation and self-discipline.

-At the end of each Chapter in the textbook is a Summary that is the Review for  Tests.

-Notify your Instructor of any absences or technology difficulties that prevent you from coming to class.



1. – KNOW what information is on this webpage. 

    Become familiar with the ANATOMY page.

2.  - Instructor’s email addy (memorize)

3. your hgs email addy

4. your Learn/Linc username and password

5. & your Pageout username and password

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